The Liberian Funds Transfer Scam Detailed by
Rip Jackson ORDER FROM
AMAZON KINDLE, $.99 Details the efforts of the individuals who
are running this Internet fraud. The author provides insight into the scam
through 30+ e-mails sent and received. The author's goals: 1. Determine details as to how the scam was run. 2. Coax the people running the scam to send a fax detailing the operation to a federal and/or state agency tasked with stopping this type of activity. 3. Acquire information about the individuals that could lead to an arrest. 4. Research who someone could report such an attempted crime to at the state and federal level. 5. Report the individuals running this scam to the appropriate agencies and see what if anything they would do about it. The e-mails from the scammers are priceless. For more information about
these people, order this book. |
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![]() Most of you recognize it for the scam it is and immediately delete the e-mail. But you also wonder what the sender of the e-mail could possibility say that would convince someone to risk thousands of dollars. Imagine my excitement at being given the opportunity to receive 30% of 65 million of President Charles Taylor (former President of Liberia). All I would have to do is travel to Amsterdam with 14,000 pounds sterling for administrative costs! When I received the e-mail, SUBJECT: PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL, sent to my junk e-mail account, I couldn’t resist. I wanted to do several things: