Life of Michaela Quinn Colorado’s Medicine Woman by Edward P. Rich 414 pages perfect bound, Taking as Rich’s departure the story line presented on television, he followed it to its logical conclusion. Send check or money order to: Murray Hudson Antiquarian Books and Maps, PO Box 163, Halls, TN 38040, e-mail Single copies $16.95 plus $3.90 P&H. If shipped to an address in Tennessee, include 8.75% sales tax. Copies may also be ordered on the Internet from used books. Master Card, VISA, or Amex accepted. Life of Michaela Quinn

About the Book
     The story undertaken here is that of the rise of Michaela Quinn to become one of the foremost physicians of her time. A pupil, protégé, then colleague of some of the most towering figures in American medicine. She became an authority in the West in her specialty; one women doctors are reluctant to train in even now. For a while her medical library was the most comprehensive in the state. A legend for her diagnoses, it was said of her, “if Dr. Mike can’t cure you, you are probably dead.” Medical shows are back on TV and enjoying top ratings, but much of the medicine of the “Medicine Woman” may not be suitable for general family viewing. Nevertheless this part of the story should be told.


     Michaela Quinn arrived in Colorado in the early Fall of 1867. She met Sully shortly after reaching the town where she ultimately opened her practice. Their mutual attraction began almost at once. Although he was a simple mountain man he was thoughtful and considerate. Though proficient with both tomahawk and axe he did not carry a gun appealing to her Quaker inclinations. He was handsome appealing to her sexual longings. For his part he saw in her a beautiful woman to replace his dead wife and perhaps his sick friend but overridingly, he saw in Michaela a window on to a wider world, one in which he felt unable to function without her help.

About the Author

Dr. Rich, a retired dentist, librarian and medical historian has created a biography of Michaela Quinn, written as if she were a real historical figure.

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