Like a Shoe That Pinches: How I Found Serenity Through The 12-Step Program of Emotions Anonymous 70 pg. perfect bound ISBN: 1-884778-66-6, send $5.50 plus $2.00 for P&H to P.O. Box 31613, Independance, Ohio 44131-0613. OUT OF PRINT

There is a dark force inside each of us that threatens to overwhelm … if we let it. The author's ongoing struggle with her emotions led her to discover the 12-step-based program of Emotions Anonymous and gave her the tools to fight back and reclaim a happier, healthier, productive life. Now you, too, can learn about this little-known program. Are you ready to fight back? Has your life become like a shoe that pinches? Let this book show you how to start down the path to recovery.
Like a Shoe That Pinches

From the Author
I intend to pursue a follow-up to this book that focuses on other's stories about Emotions Anonymous and other twelve-step programs. Send your stories to P.O. Box 31613, Independence, Ohio, 44131-0613. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to find out whether your story is selected for inclusion.

About the Author

Carrie Connelly, a pseudonym used by the author to protect anonymity according to EA tradition, is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience writing and editing newspapers, newsletters and magazines. She is 40 years old and lives with her husband and two children in Ohio. She is a long-time member of the twelve-step program Emotions Anonymous. This is her first book. Half of the profits from the sale of this book will be donated to Emotions Anonymous International.

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