You Gotta Love 'em: A Poetry and Prose Anthology
NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR AMAZON KINDLE $2.99 NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR BARNES & NOBLE NOOK $2.99 About the Cover: Lewis “The Frogman” Dunn, the publisher’s (AKA PaPa Trouble) grandson on the occassion of his first birthday. |
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![]() This collection of poetry and prose centering around children. Samples of included works:
~A~ Joy
Acey, Princess of Poetry, is a children’s writer and poet who
teaches classes through the Durham Arts Council. Her poems have won prizes
from the NC Poetry Society and Poetry Council of North Carolina. She has
two collections of poems for children, Monsters, Trolls and Other Odd
Folks and Extra Hands, Extra Heart. She currently lives in
Chapel Hill, NC. Matthew G.
Adams’ poetry has appeared in Mountain Time, Home for the
Holidays, Looking Back, and Mountain High. Matthew lives in
Jacksonville, NC. Sandra Ervin
Adams’ poetry has appeared in all previous Old Mountain Press
anthologies. When she isn’t writing poetry, Sandra can be found
practicing her organizational skills at home in Jacksonville, NC, reading
books and watching DVDs about the paranormal, playing a trivia game on the
UK Chatterbox site, and scooping kitty litter pans. Dylan Fox
Atkins is a 5th grade student at Western Harnett Middle
School. While never formally trained in poetry he has spent his 10 years
in daily contact with the poets, Catherine Murphy Haymore and Joseph
Haymore, his grandparents. He has not chosen a life’s profession yet but
one can only hope that creative writing will play a major role in whatever
he does. Dylan lives in Broadway, NC ~B~ Joann Bishop
wrote the included poem when her grandchild was born. Presently she is
attending Barton College to finish her degree in Business Management. She
would like to continue to write. Joann lives in Jacksonville, NC Jerry Bradley
spent the past thirty years in the US Air Force from which he retired in
August 2008. He and his wife Laura were stationed at ten different
military locations. During his career he wrote poetry off and now has the
opportunity concentrate on his art. Most of his poems are related to his
faith, his family or the military. He and his wife are currently living in
Fayetteville, NC. Ethelena
Jackson Brown was born in Baconton, GA, on January 8, 1915,and
has lived in Macon, GA, since her graduation from college in 1937. For
twenty years, she taught highschool English and an assortment of other
subjects. Today the joy of her life is spending time with six
grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Excerpts from her recently
published autobiography, Growing up Southern In Baconton, Georgia.
made up her contribution to this anthology. Stuart
Burroughs has been involved since childhood in visual art, poetry,
and music. She has taught English and art, and her art hangs in many
homes. A collection of her poems, Beyond the Hills, can be
purchased on or from The Chapel Hill Press. Stuart lives in
Chapel Hill, NC, where she writes poetry, paints, and plays her piano
program, “Music to Remember” every week at several locations. ~C~ Ed Cockrell,
of Orange County North Carolina, writes poetry as a hobby, laughs and
tears; he does not rely on poetry for income, which is wise. ~D~ Patricia
Daharsh lives in Pinellas Park, FL. Big Blue Eyes, a memoir,
recently won Second Place in Southern California Genealogical Society’s
9th Annual Writer’s Contest. She recently won First Place in the Adult
Contemporary category at the ukiaHaiku Festival, an international
competition, and has received Honorable Mentions for two Poetry Society of
Texas annual contest entries. Her poems have appeared in the OMP
anthologies Night Whispers and Southern Mist. She is working
on a memoir. Tom Davis’s publishing
credits include Poets Forum, The Carolina Runner, Triathlon Today,
Georgia Athlete, The Fayetteville Observer’s Saturday Extra, A
Loving Voice Vol. I and II, and Special Warfare. He’s
authored a collection of short stories, The Life and Times of Rip
Jackson; a children’s coloring book, Pickaberry Pig; a how to
book on writing a ranger patrol order, The Patrol Order; and an
action adventure novel, The R-complex. Tom lives in Fayetteville,
NC. ~F~ Sue Farlow
is a frequent contributor to Old Mountain Press. She is a past president
of the North Carolina Poetry Society and remains on the board. She teaches
English, journalism and yearbook at Asheboro High School. She has two
grown sons and liveson a 55 acre
farm in Climax, NC with her husband, dogs, cat and cows. Rev. Dena M.
Ferrari is the Vice-President of the Writers’ Ink Guild in
Fayetteville, NC. Her poetry has appeared in the Phoenix, Fields of
Earth and in Charles Weyant’s book, An Odyssey in Broken Rhythms
and Ragged Lines. She and her husband, Peter, share a wonderful life
of love and laughter. When not writing, Dena volunteers; ministering in
prison, reading on the radio for the blind and remains spiritual in all
her endeavors. Brightest Blessings. Ann Fogelman,
a writer of memoirs in prose and poetry, lives in Friendswood, Tx. Her
work has been published in anthologies including Exit 109 and various
school publications. She is a member of Bay Area Writers League, Gulf
Coast Poets, Poetry Society of Texas, and The Arts Alliance Center in
Clear Lake, TX. Dare Freeman
Ford, of Hendersonville, NC, has a background in education. Ford
published Don’t Make me Turn this Bus Around, a chronicle of her
adventures as a teenage bus driver in her native Anson County, NC. Her
work has appeared in several regional publications and Old Mountain Press
anthologies, most recently, Exit 109. She also contributed to Christmas
Presence, and Clothes Lines, edited by Celia Miles and Nancy
Dillingham. ~G~ James Gibson
combined his love of the American West and his fascination with Native
American shamanism to write the five novels of the Anasazi Quest
series. He then wrote The Last Ride, a traditional Western set
outside Tucson, Arizona. All his novels are available at
The Anasazi Quest novels are also available at, and
through Barnes & Noble. Thomas
Gluzinski spends a lot of free time just writing poetry. He writes
in many forms and has works in several of the Old Mountain Anthologies. He
is working on several poetry books for publication and has had his work
appear in several forums nationally and internationally as well as other
anthologies that are now out of print. Tom lives in the great Midwest
along the Illinois and Wisconsin border (Lindenhurst, IL) where seasons
change and inspiration is plentiful. Visit his website at: Marian Gowanis
author of Notes from the Trunk, published by Old Mountain Press (
She contributed to American Patchwork, St. Martins Press. Her work
has appeared in several Old Mountain Press anthologies, as well as Christmas
Presence, and Clothes Lines, edited by Celia Miles and Nancy
Dillingham. Phyllis Jean
Green, Chapel Hill, NC, transplant,has
been around, er, ah, awhile. Her latest poetry credits include Sketchbook,
Ardent!, and Taj Mahal Review. She has a lot of projects in the
hopper. Wish her luck! ~H~ Kerri Mai
Habben lives in Raleigh, NC, where she works as a writer and a
photographer. Her articles, essays, and poetry have appeared in literary
journals and other publications. Some of her work can be read at
She is currently working on a novel set in 1929 at a tuberculosis
sanitarium. MaXine Carey
Harker, taught Writing for Publication for many years at Pitt
Community College and Craven Community College and now at the Recreation
Center in New Bern, NC. She has been published in national, state, and
local newspapers and magazines and in NCPS and Old Mountain anthologies.
Her personal writing preference is nonfiction and poetry. MaXine is a
longstanding member of the: NC Poetry Society and NC Writers Network and
the NC Haiku Society. She has lived in Grifton, NC for54
years. Janet. L.
Harvey lives in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. She has had numerous
poems published in a variety of Canadian and US magazines and
international anthologies, including: Sterling Silver, Feminine
Magazine, Word Dance, Stella Showcase Journal, Spirit of Humanity (Artist
for a Better World), Night Whispers, Exit 109 (Old Mountain Press),
Borderless Skies (CCLA), and Cross Culture (Black Mail
Press). Janet is Poetry Canada’s Global Contest Winner. Catherine
Murphy Haymore was born in Westerville, Ohio and lived in Columbus,
Ohio until leaving to travel to Europe. She graduated from
Whitehall-Yearling HS and attended Ohio State University. She is currently
a member of the Writers’ Ink Guild of Fayetteville, NC where she
conducts workshops on the writing of the sonnet. Her greatest joy is
watching her three grandchildren as they grow. Joseph Haymore
is the current president of the Writers’ Ink Guild of
Fayetteville/Cumberland County, NC. A native North Carolinian, he attended
school Benhaven High School, Olivia, NC. He devoted 20 years to a military
career before returning to his home in Harnett Co. He is largely self
taught as a poet but owes any expertise he has gained to his wife and
mentor, Catherine. Elizabeth
Hebron was Managing Editor of The MacGuffin, a literary
magazine published by Schoolcraft College, for nearly ten years, before
starting her own small literary magazine, Eratica – half a bubble off
plumb. Her work has been published in places such as Bellowing Ark,
Maxis Review, Water Flying Annual, Love, Grandma – Grandmother’s
Against the War, The Outter Side of Life, and Exit 109.
Elizabeth lives in Westland, MI, with her husband and two dogs. ~I~ Heather
Ifversen has published in the e-zines Niederngasse and Alone
Together. She currently works as a social worker and lives in Seneca,
SC with her husband and two daughters. ~J~ Arnie Johanson
is a philosophy professor from Minnesota, who retired to Durham, NC in
1999. He currently resides in Durham and, in the summers, in Minneapolis.
His work has appeared in various periodicals, and he has published one
chapbook of poetry, A Man and A Horse. Jerry Judge
lives in Cincinnati and is the author of six poetry chapbooks. He is
active with the Greater Cincinnati Writers’ League and the Cincinnati
Writers’ Project. He is the proud father of a college student and a
firefighter/paramedic. He shares a home with a gorgeous wife plus a spunky
terrier and three pampered cats. ~K~ K. D. Kennedy,
Jr. has published two books of poetry, Our Place In Time (2002)
and Waiting Out In The Yard (2006). He has been published in the Barton
College Crucible, In the Yard, a poetry anthology, and several other
anthologies. He is presently writing short stories along with poetry, and
is researching a novel. KD and his wife Sara Lynn live in Raleigh, NC. Jo Koster
is Professor of English at Winthrop University, where she maintains an
insanely busy schedule, or maybe is simply insane. Her work has appeared
in a number of OMP anthologies, and a new chapbook, Nine Days’ Wonder,
is forthcoming in early 2010. She and her cats Max and Neville dwell in
chaos and in Rock Hill, SC. ~L~ Patsy Kennedy
Lain resides in Hubert, NC. She has work appearingin
multiple anthologies and online. She placed in local Senior Games for two
years, and was one of the recipients of the adult student 2009
Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet Series. She continues to write and
submit her work, and maintains her membership with the North Carolina
Poetry Society. Blanche L.
Ledford’s work has appeared in Exit 109, Mountain High, Lights
in the Mountains, and other publications. Her essay, Planting by
the Signs, received first place in the Cherokee County Senior Games.
Blanche lives and writes in Hayesville, NC. Brenda Kay
Ledford is a member of North Carolina Writer’s Network and North
Carolina Poetry Society. She’s listed with A Directory of American
Poets and Fiction Writers. Her work has appeared in Exit 109,
Mountain High, Asheville Poetry Review, and other journals. She
received the Paul Green Award for her poetry chapbooks, Patchwork
Memories and Shew Bird Mountain. Brenda lives and writes in
Hayesville, NC. Michael
Lythgoe lives with his wife, Louise, in Aiken, SC. His collection, HOLY
WEEK, is available at He teaches for the Academy For
Lifelong Learning at USCA. Mike is the President of the Aiken Choral
Society. His poetry & reviews appear in Windhover,Praesidium,
Permafrost, Petigru Review, Caribbean Writer, & PSSC
Yearbooks. ~M~ Al
Manning is a retired Navy officer, currently living in
Pittsboro, Al is on the Board of Trustees for the North Carolina Writers’
Network, and is the NCWN representative for Chatham County. A Pushcart
nominee, his short stories, poems and essays appeared in Lights in the
Mountains, Mountain High, Southern Mist , and The Outer Side of
Life. His latest book is Curmudgeon’s Book of Nursery Rhymes,
available at independent bookstores or from the author. Erin Myer
lives in Raleigh, NC with her parents and two brothers. She is in the 10th
grade; loves tennis, math and writing to her own beat. Halle Meyer
lives in Raleigh, NC, loving like crazy, Erin (who is now 15 and has yet
to amass her babysitting fortune) and her two brothers, Taylor and Cooper.
Halle’s work has appeared in a number of Old Mountain Press Anthologies. Ruth Moose
has published two collections of short stories and several books of
poetry, most recently The Librarian and Other Poems (Main Street
Press). She has been on the creative writing faculty at UNÇ-Chapel Hill
since l996. ~N~ Jerome Norris
lives with his beautiful wife by a pond near New Bern, NC. He’s a
reformed lawyer who now devotes full time to writing stories and poems and
watching the Baltimore Orioles lose baseball games. He has published
stories and poems in a number of magazines and anthologies, but
essentially remains a rank amateur. ~O~ Martha O’Quinn,
a native of NC, uses family stories and events as ideas for prose and
poetry. She currently lives in Hendersonville, NC, and has contributed to
six previous OMP anthologies, plus Christmas Presence, edited by
Celia Miles and Nancy Dillingham. Her work has also appeared in WNC-Woman. ~P~ Margaret L.
Parrish’spoems have
appeared in Mountain High, the Lyricist, Poets for Peace, Poem and
other publications. She lives and works in Raleigh, NC. D. Davis
Phillips is a writer of poetry and prose currently studying English
at Winthrop University. His work most recently appeared in the Old
Mountain Press anthology Exit 109. He currently resides in Rock
Hill, SC. Michael Potts
is a native of Smyrna, TN and currently lives in Linden, NC. He is
Professor of Philosophy at Methodist University in Fayetteville, NC.
Several of his poems have been published in literary journals and
anthologies, and his chapbook, From Field to Thicket, won the 2006 Mary
Belle Campbell Poetry Book Award from the North Carolina Writers’
Network. ~S~ Dr. Lynn Veach
Sadler, (former) college president, editor, poet, fiction/creative
nonfiction writer, and playwright, is widely published in academics and
creative writing. ElizaPress’s 2007 Writer-of-the-Year, she won
Wayne State’s 2008 Pearson Award for a play on the Iraq wars and San
Diego City College’s 2009 overall award (poetry and fiction). She lives
in Sanford and has traveled around the world five times, writing all the
way. Joanna
Catherine Scott is the author of the novels Child of the South;
The Road from Chapel Hill; Cassandra, Lost; The Lucky Gourd Shop; and Charlie,
the nonfiction Indochina’s Refugees: Oral Histories from Laos,
Cambodia and Vietnam; and the prizewinning poetry collections Breakfast
at the Shangri-la, Fainting at the Uffizi, and Night
Huntress. A Woodrow Wilson Fellow, she is a graduate of Duke
University and lives in Chapel Hill, NC. Marian Kaplun
Shapiro practices as a psychologist and poet in Lexington,
Massachusetts. She is the author of a professional book, Second
Childhood (Norton, 1988),a
poetry book, Players In The Dream, Dreamers In The Play (Plain View
Press, 2007) andtwo chapbooks: Your Third Wish, (Finishing Line, 2007); and The
End Of The World, Announced On Wednesday (Pudding House, 2007). She
was named Senior Poet Laureate of Massachusetts in 2006 and again in 2008. Sybil Austin
Skakle, a retired pharmacist, living in Chapel Hill, is author of Searchings
- Rocks Revelations Rainbow, a poetry book and two memoirs: Confessions
of an Outer Banks Filly and Valley of the Shadow a journey through
grief. She is working on a novel and another memoir. Linda M. Smith
lives in Hayesville, NC. She has studied creative writing at Tri-County
Community College in Murphy NC and John C. Campbell Folk School in
Brasstown, NC. She is a member of the NC Writer’s Network West. Her
poetry and essays have been published in some Old Mountain Press
anthologies, Lights in The Mountains and Freeing Jonah V. Dorothea
Spiegel of Hiawassee, GA, has written poems for most of her 87
years. She belongs to NC Writer’s Network West. She studied Creative
Writing and Poetry at Tri-County College, Murphy, NC and John C. Campbell
Folk School, Brasstown, NC. Her poems have been published in previous Old
Mountain Press anthologies, Lights in the Mountains, The Freeing
Jonah series, Atahita Journal and The Spirit of Christmas. Dorothy Anne
Spruzen earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Queens
University of Charlotte and teaches creative and business writing in
Northern Virginia. In another life she was Manager of Publications for a
defense contractor. Her short stories and poems have appeared in several
publications and a novel is seeking a good home. She currently lives in
McLean, VA Tonya Staufer has
recently returned to writing.She is
a real estate investment broker by day and a writer by night. She and her
husband call Saluda, NC home.Her
stories have appeared in Spirit of the Smokies, A Long Story Short,
Western NC Woman, Moonshine Review, and numerous anthologies. Cassie Premo
Steeleis an award-winning
and widely published poet and writer who lives inColumbia,
South Carolina. She is the author of five books– the most recent is Easyhard:
Reflections on the Practice of Creativity.She
teaches workshops and coaches individuals through her Co-Creating
business. More information can be found at: Shelby
Stephenson’sFamily Matters: Homage to July, the Slave Girl
won the 2008 Bellday Poetry Prize. He lives near Benson, NC, on the farm
he grew up on. ~T~ Jo Barbara
Taylor lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. Her poems and academic
writing have appeared in Mount Olive Review, Beacon, Bay Leaves,
Ibbetson Street, Exit 109, on New Verse News and in The
Broad River Review. She edits the newsletter for the North Carolina
Poetry Society. Katherine
Tracy lives in Thibodaux, LA and teaches English at Nicholls State
University. She has edited, designed, or published more than a dozen books
for Thunder Rain Publishing Corp. and other small presses. Her poems have
appeared in Exit 109, Mountain High, Southern Mist, Night Whispers,
Sand, Sea, & Sail, In the Arms of Words: Poems for Tsunami Relief and
In the Arms of Words: Poems for Disaster Relief. She also edits and
compiles and has
a blog:
Wanamakerhas lived in Fayetteville, North Carolina on an old farm
with her indulgent husband since 1982. As mother with four children, she
took on the seemingly impossible task of attending UNCP in order to
graduate with a BA in English Literature and History. Many of her short
stories have appeared in the Fayetteville Observer and more
recently, in Exit 109. Kathleen wrote Stoking the Embers of
Tradition for the Lumbee Indians. Betty Watson
who writes short stories and poetry has been published in five previous
OMP anthologies, in WNC Woman, moonShine Review and a 2009
anthology, Clothes Lines. In 1995 Betty and her husband Doug moved
from MA to beautiful Flat Rock, NC to leave severe winters behind forever.
Although she’s a cancer survivor (who happily didn’t lose her hair), In
the Eyes of the Beholder was inspired by a dear childhood friend in
upstate NY. Evelyne Weeks
is a writer of both poetry and prose. Most recently her work has been
published in The Hollins Critic, Appalachian Heritage, and Out
of the Rough: Women’s Poems of Survival and Celebration. Today she
lives in Rock Hill, South Carolina, where she has taught English at
Winthrop University since 1989. Cecily Anne
Hamlin Wells has published poems and short fiction in Long Story
Short, MoonShine Review, Christmas Presence, a collection of stories
and poems by 45 Western North Carolina writers and in several Old Mountain
Press anthologies. She received an Honorable Mention for her entries in
the 76th and 77th Writer’s Digest Writing Competition. She lives
with her husband and dog, Tikka, in Hendersonville, NC. Stella Ward
Whitlock is a retired teacher and college instructor, the widow of
a Presbyterian minister, mother of four children, and grandmother of
seven. She is currently selling her house in Fayetteville and has recently
moved to Glenaire in Cary, NC. Stella has one poetry chapbook published,
titled Florida Heat, has had one play professionally produced, and
numerous individual poems, stories, articles, and essays published. Earl J Wilcox
writes about teens, aging, baseball, and Southern culture. He has
published more than four dozen political poems and several baseball poems.
Many of his poems may also be found on his blog, Writing by Earl.
Earl lives with his wife and their Sheltie (Lady) in Rock Hill, SC. Glenda Sumner
Wilkins grew up on a North Carolina tobacco farm, and daydreamed of
faraway places. Decades later, she and her husband lived in both
Luxembourg, and Geneva, Switzerland. Countries where published: USA;
Canada; Spain: Luxembourg; Switzerland; Great Britain. She is a member of
the NCPS and NCWN, and has won several poetry awards. Today, she resides
in Winterville, NC, with her husband, and Bustopher, the cat about town. Barbara
Ledford Wright writes prose about her family, and is a family
historian and teacher. She’s been published in several previous Old
Mountain Press anthologies including Exit 109. Her work has
appeared in Readers are Leaders (Express Yourself 101 Vol.2. also
published in: A Southern Journal, Fireflies and June Bugs, Christmas
Presence. She has forthcoming publications due in the fall. She
presently resides in Shelby, NC. ~Y~ C. Pleasants
York of Sanford, NC, does love children. She has educated
students for 37 years – beginning with Project Head Start and ending
with community college. She and her husband, Guy, are the parents of three
published poets – Adam, Emily, and Jonathan. Their latest love is
grandson Noah who, at seven months, is a connoisseur of both poetry and
prose. So far, he loves listening to stories as he chews the corners of
books. Joseph
Youngblood is a professional counselor and mental/behavioral
healthcare therapist. He writes for pleasure about things that interest
him, and has contributed to several OMP anthologies. He currently lives in
Fayetteville NC.