The Hills are Alive: A Poetry and
Prose Anthology Old Mountain Press Announcing publication of The Hills Are Alive A Poetry and Prose Anthology. The theme: Anything relating to the mountains, the people, music, food, activities, etc or spring time in general The works of 46 writers from across the country are found in this 62 page book $15.00 + $2.75 P&H add an additional $.50 per additional book. Old Mountain Press NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR AMAZON KINDLE $2.99 |
![]() Publication is dependent on receiving sufficient quality poems for inclusion in the anthology. |
![]() This collection of poetry has been gathered from poets across the country, with a mountain theme. Samples of included works:
B Sam Barbee’s poems have appeared in Poetry
South, Crucible, Asheville Poetry Review, The Southern Poetry Anthology
VII: North Carolina, Georgia Journal, Main Street Rag, Iodine, and Pembroke
Magazine, among others; plus on-line journals Vox Poetica,
Pyrokinection, and The Blue Hour.
His Second poetry collection, That Rain We Needed (Press
53), was published in April 2016, and nominated for the Roanoke-Chowan
Award as one of North Carolina’s best poetry collections of 2016; and is
a Pushcart nominee. Frederick W. Bassett is a retired academic
who lives near his grandchildren in Greenwood SC. His poems have appeared
widely in anthologies and journals, including Negative Capability, Zone
3, Mudfish,
Slant, Yemassee, Illuminations, Poem, Pembroke Magazine, Passager, The
Cape Rock,
and Timberline Review. His latest book of poetry is The Old
Stoic Faces the Mirror. He also has two novels, South Wind Rising
and Honey from a Lion. Glenda Council Beall’s publishing credits
include Main Street Rag, Vox Poetica, Appalachian Heritage, Wild Goose
Poetry Review, Kakalak 2009 Journal of Carolina Writers and Poets, Dead
Mule School of Southern Literature and several Old Mountain Press
anthologies. She is author of Now Might as Well be Then and Profiles
and Pedigrees, Tom C. Council and His Descendants. She is Program
Coordinator for the NC WRITERS NETWORK WEST and teaches writing at
Tri-County Community College. Marcie Behm-Bultz is a population scientist
and world traveler who often bases her poetry around human geography and
exotic locations. Her written work has appeared in scientific journals
along with the anthologies of Old Mountain Press. She lives near the bomb
plant in South Carolina. Joann Bishop, as a writer, put a book
together on historical places for an aunt with pictures.
She hopes to put together her own books and just give them to close
friends and family members since it is hard to get anything publish these
days with the competition like it is. Stuart Burroughs is an artist and a poet
whose art hangs in many homes. Her poems appear in several publications,
and her poetry book Beyond the Hills
is listed on She regularly plays piano for others with
her Music to Remember program. Stuart now lives in Raleigh, NC, but
always feels connected to Chapel Hill.
C Nancy H. Cody has had her poetry published
in seven other OMP anthologies. She
has written a story that was published in the book: Field Mules and
Buttermilk Cornbread. Nancy also has a passion for genealogy.
She has two children, four grandchildren and another one on the
way. She lives with her
husband, Bill, in Hayesville, NC. Vicki Collins, who lives in Graniteville,
SC, teaches English at USC Aiken where she is the Director of the Writing
Center. Her book The Silent Appalachian: Wordless Mountaineers in
Fiction, Film, and Television was recently released by McFarland
Publishing. Her work has appeared in The Southern Poetry Anthology:
North Carolina, Kakalak, MoonShine Review, Windhover, and several Old
Mountain Press anthologies. Thomas Rain Crowe is an
internationally-published and recognized author and translator of more
than thirty books, including the multi-award winning nonfiction nature
memoir Zoro’s Field: My Life in the Appalachian Woods (2005); a
collection of place-based essays titled The End of Eden: Writings of an
Environmental Activist; and a recent collection of poetry Crack
Light. He has been an editor of major literary and cultural journals
and anthologies and is founder and publisher of New Native Press
. He is a longtime resident of the Southern Appalachians and lives in the
Tuckasegee watershed and the “Little Canada” community of Jackson
County in western North Carolina. D Phebe Davidson is the author of twenty-some
published collections of poems. What Holds Him to this World (96
Press, 2013) is the winner of that year’s South Carolina Poetry Archives
Book Prize. She is a contributing editor at Tar River Poetry and a
staff writer for The Asheville Poetry Review.
She has been nominated six times for a Push Cart Prize and holds a
number of national poetry awards, among them the Kinloch Rivers, Amelia,
Soundpost Press and Ledge Press manuscript prizes. She lives in
Greenville, South Carolina. Tom Davis’s publishing credits include Poets
Forum, The Carolina Runner, Triathlon Today, Georgia Athlete, The
Fayetteville Observer’s Saturday Extra, A Loving Voice Vol. I and
II, Special Warfare., and Winston-Salem Writers’ POETRY IN PLAIN
SIGHT program for May 2013 (poetry month). He’s authored the following
books: The Life and Times of Rip Jackson; A children’s coloring
book, Pickaberry Pig’s First Day of School, The Patrol Order; and
an action adventure novel, The R-complex. Tom has recently
completed his memoir. He lives in Webster, NC. Nancy Dillingham is a sixth-generation
Dillingham from WNC. She is
the author of eleven books of short fiction and poetry and the co-editor,
with Celia Miles, of four anthologies of WNC women writers.
She lives in Asheville, NC. Peter Dome is an avid writer and poet
living in Sheffild / Nottinghamshire in the U.K. He has five books
published at the moment, and more soon to come. He hopes you will enjoy
his work. All the best. F Dena M. Ferrari is a regular contributor to
OMP. Dena’s poetry was featured in Westchester Community College of NY’s
Phoenix (1975). Writers Alliance Poets World-Wide
anthologies has dozens of her published works. Denas own books, Poems
From the Hearth (2010), Come Closer My Dearies (2013) and her
newest book Charmed Times Three (2015), shows diversified writing
styles, leaving a Living Legacy for her grandchildren. She and her
husband, Peter live in Vass, NC. Ann Fogelman, a writer of memories in
prose and poetry was born in Reading, Pa.
Her work has appeared in The Noble Generation, That Thing You Do,
Pets Across America, Texas Poetry Calendar, Boundless and OMP Anthologies.
Ann is a member of Bay Area Writers League, Gulf Coast Poets,
Poetry Society of Texas and Osher Lifetime Learning Institute at UTMB,
Galveston,. Ann lives in
Friendswood, TX. G James Gibson, Northville, Michigan,
featured Native American culture in the five novels in his “Anasazi
Quest” series. His new novel, Searching with Pei for the Meaning of
Life was published in August, 2016. Review all his books at
. Two of his “Anasazi Quest” novels, Anasazi Princess and Anasazi
Journey are now available in Kindle format on Marian Gowan is author of Notes from
the Trunk, published by Old Mountain Press. Her work has appeared in
several Old Mountain Press anthologies and southern regional publications.
Most recently, she contributed to It’s All Relative: Tales
from the Tree, edited by Celia Miles and Nancy Dillingham.
She retired to the NC mountains from western NY in 2001, but
recently returned to NY to be near family.
( Robin Greene is a professor of English
and Writing, and serves as the director of the Writing Center at Methodist
University in Fayetteville, NC. She's published over 90 poems and short
prose pieces and four books. Recently, Greene has finished (and is
actively seeking a publisher for) a new novel, The Shelf Life of Fire.
H Kerri Mai Habben lives in Raleigh, NC. A
graduate of Peace College and North Carolina State University, her work
has appeared in literary journals, The News and Observer, and is
regularly included in publications throughout the United States and
Canada. Kerri has a manuscript of essays she is working to publish. MaXine Carey Harker and husband Berkley,
have lived 60+ years in the little one-stop-light town of Grifton, NC,
reared 5 children who have produced grandchildren and great grandchildren
in far-flung places. Published in national, state, and local publications,
she prefers non-fiction, sonnets, and haiku. She’s taught Writing for
Publication for 35+ years at 2 Community Colleges, now Rec Center in New
Bern. MaXine is 88. Bob Hewett is 83 years of age and
writes poems, short stories, humor and satire along with accounts of his
father’s story telling skill. Hewett has been named poet of the month on
three online writing groups and poet of the year on another. He has
published 3 children books. His work has appeared in numerous anthologies.
You can read some of Hewett’s writings on his hubpage:
(No www or http) J David Jones is a self-published author,
including Buzz, I Thought, and others found on his free website,
David enjoys writing poems,
and editorials for newspapers. David makes his home in Ellenboro, NC. K K. D. Kennedy Jr. has published four (4) books
of poetry, short stories, and essays: Our Place In Time, Waiting Out In
The Yard, For Rhyme Of Reason, and Progenitors: A Kennedy Genealogy.
He has also published works in over twenty anthologies and periodicals. He
has served as Chairman of the following: The Board of Trustees of Barton
College, the North Carolina Board of Ethics, the North Carolina Theater,
and the Building Committee of the Duke Power Performing Arts Center. Jo Koster and her cats Max and Neville
live in Rock Hill, SC, where she teaches at Winthrop University and swears
at various pieces of yard equipment. Her work has recently appeared in a
variety of OMP anthologies and a chapbook is forthcoming. L Patsy Kennedy Lain still rambles North Carolina
roads, traveling through Onslow, Carteret, Craven and Duplin counties with
writing and painting paraphernalia as well as a camera by her side.
She continues to capture life and gain inspiration through her day
trips. Patsy has published
works in magazines,
anthologies and a local paper. Blanche L. Ledford resides in Hayesville, NC.
Her work has appeared in many journals and anthologies.
She won first place in the Cherokee County Silver Arts contest.
Her book, Planting by the Signs, received the Paul Green
Multimedia Award from NC Society of historians.
Like Granny Moses, Blanche began writing in her 80’s. Brenda Kay Ledford is a seventh generation
native of Clay County, NC. She grew up hearing stories about the mountains
from her grandparents. Brenda’s writing reflects her southern
Appalachian heritage. Her work has appeared in many journals and
anthologies. Brenda blogs at: Sunny
Lockwood is a retired
newspaper reporter and feature writer. In 2015,she and her husband traded
Northern California for Hendersonville, NC. They write lively memoirs
about their traveling adventures. Three of their books have been named
Amazon #1 best sellers in the senior travel category. Visit her Amazon
author’s page: M Celia Miles, a Jackson County native,
taught at Brevard College and retired from AB Tech; she lives, edits, and
writes from Asheville, NC. She has published eight novels, two short story
collections, and four co-edited anthologies of WNC women writers. Her
interests are traveling, photography, grist mills and neolithic sites. Her
latest novel (fall, 2016) is The Body at StarShine Mill: A Marcy
Dehanne Grist Mill Mystery.
O Beverly Ohler’s life has been focused on the
theater, teaching, designing, producing festivals, creating art in one
form or another. Growing up in the Northeast, her adult life has primarily
been spent on the campus of Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC, where
she is a member of the Theater Department. She has written four books,
edited others, and her work appears in many anthologies and magazines
including this one.. She lives
in Black Mountain. Karen O’Leary is a writer and editor from
West Fargo, ND. She has
published poetry, short stories, and articles in a variety of venues
including, Frogpond, A Hundred Gourds, Haiku Pix, bear creek haiku, Now
This: Contemporary Poems of Beginnings, Renewals and Firsts, Creative
Inspirations, and cattails.
She currently edits an online poetry journal called Whispers, Martha O’Quinn is a regular contributor to
OMP anthologies as well as other local, regional and national anthologies.
She is a NC native but during her adult life has lived in GA, AL,
MS & TN. Her non-fiction
prose and poetry reflect a southern heritage.
Mother of two, grandmother of four and great-grandmother of two,
Martha and her husband have lived in Hendersonville NC for twenty years. P Michael Potts is Professor of Philosophy,
Methodist University, Fayetteville, NC. His latest book is the horror
novel, Obedience, and he has published three novels and two poetry
anthologies. He lives with his wife, Karen, and their four cats in Coats,
NC. R Mary Ricketson, inspired by nature, is
published in Wild Goose Poetry, Future Cycle Press, Journal of Kentucky
Studies, Lights in the Mountains, Echoes Across the Blue Ridge, her books,
I Hear the River Call My Name, and Hanging Dog Creek, and a monthly column
in The Cherokee Scout. She won first place in 2011 Joyce Kilmer Memorial
Forest 75th anniversary national poetry contest. She is a mental health
Counselor and blueberry farmer. Dwight Roth is a retired elementary
school teacher of 29 years, who grew up in the mountains of Southwestern
Pennsylvania. He enjoys writing, poetry, painting, and music. He had his
work in several OMP anthologies. He has self-published four memoirs and
two books of poetry and three children’s books. He has nine books or
booklets on Amazon Kindle. He and his wife Ruth live near Monroe, NC. He
writes daily on
S Dr. Lynn Veach Sadler lives in Burlington,
NC. A former college president, she has published 5+ books and 72
articles, edited 22 books/proceedings and 3 national journals, and writes
2 newspaper columns. Her creative writing publications are 11 poetry
chapbooks and 4 full-length collections, 125+ short stories, 4 novels, a
novella, 3 fiction collections, and a nonfiction collection (forthcoming);
she has written 41 plays. She was a Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet
2013-2015. Holly Simms is an award-winning author
and poet, seasoned performer, artist, singer, and avid traveler. Several
anthologies and magazines have published Holly’s poems, short stories,
and essays. She is a Lost State Writers Conference scholarship winner and
happily lives in Asheville, NC. Sybil Austin Skakle’s credits include one
book of poetry Searching-Rocks, Revelations Rainbows; three memoirs
Confessions of an Outer Banks Filly, Valley of the Shadow, What Came
Next. Most recent is the release of a history of her church home, The
Story of Amity United Methodist Church, told by God’s own at Amity,
which she compiled, edited, and made a contribution. Tonya Staufer found her way back to
writing a few years ago. She is a real estate investment broker by day and
a writer by night. She and her husband call Saluda, NC home. Her stories
have appeared in Spirit of the Smokies, A Long Story Short, Western NC
Woman, Moonshine Review, and numerous anthologies. Shelby Stephenson is Poet Laureate of North
Carolina. His recent book is Elegies for Small Game. He lives ten
miles north of Benson, NC, near McGee’s Crossroads, where he was born. T Barbara Tate is an award winning artist
and writer. A member of the
Haiku Society of America and Gulf Coast Writers Assoc., her work has been
published in Storyteller Magazine, Santa Fe Literary Review, the Heron’s
Nest, Frogpond, Bear Creek Haiku, Whispers and Contemporary Haibun
Online, among others. She
currently resides in Winchester, TN. Rebekah Timms
resides in Greenwood, SC about fifteen miles from where she was born. She
writes poetry for her own enjoyment and to share with her friends and
family. One of her poems appeared in OMP’s anthology What Bugs Me!.
She has self-published a memoir entitled Effie, Her Life, Her Love, Her
Legacy. W Glenda S. Wilkins grew up on a North Carolina
tobacco farm, and believed she’d never live beyond the county line.
Decades later, she moved with her husband to Europe for a dozen years. Her
poems have been published in Europe, Great Britain, & North America.
Thus far, she appreciates several poetry awards. She lives on an air
strip, Winterville, NC. Barbara Ledford Wright’s
work has appeared in 26 Old Mountain Press anthologies and many others. Muscadine
Lines: A Southern Journal, Express Yourself 101 Vol 2 For Your Eyes Only,
Kaleidoscope, Fireflies and June Bugs, Yesterdays Magzette.
Co-authored, Five Brothers in the Civil War, with Brenda Kay
Ledford ,NC Civil War Museum, Pub., Fayetteville, NC.
Barbara lives in Shelby, NC. Y C. Pleasants York is a Sanford native. Her
grandmother, Dora Mae Key Pleasants, grew up with her brothers, Edward and
Wintfred, in the Brushy Mountains of North Carolina near North Wilkesboro.
Their mother, Mary Elizabeth Wyatt, married George Key at the age
of 14. A family story tells
that when Dora was a baby, she rolled down Grandmother Mountain, and was
only saved when the buttons on her dress caught on the branches of a bush. Joseph Youngblood lives in Fayetteville, NC,
with his family. He has contributed to several previous anthologies. Return to top Return to Old Mountain Press Anthologies Site |